If you have a middle schooler, but were not able to make it to the parent meeting on Tuesday, 10/21st it is not too late to participate.
Here are some highlights from the meeting:
· Archery Boot Camp for 6-8th graders that would be first year participants on the Archery team will be held Monday 2:30-4:30 and Thursday 11:30-1:30 in the Gym.
· Your student does not need to own a bow to participate; Good Shepherd has bows that can be used by archers that do not own a bow.
· Three things are due to Scott Foster, GSCS Athletic Director by November 20th
o Sports Physical Form (if you haven’t turned one in for another sport)
o Sports Contract (if you haven’t turned one in for another sport)
o Archery Sports Fee – this is $60
· The Archery team follows the NASP method of Archery training. The NASP program is an international program that started right here in Kentucky, developed by our own Kentucky Fish and Wildlife to encourage children to spend time outside and doing activities that they could enjoy with their families.
· For uniformity the NASP program requires the use of the Genesis bow, without any attachments or modifications. This cannot be the Genesis Pro or the Genesis Mini. They also require the Easton 1820 Arrows with 2.8” vanes that are unmodified, meaning they cannot be cut or have any tip attachments added.
· Practice starts Monday, November 10
th 2:30-4:30pm, see attached for a more complete schedule.
· Due to the way tournaments are scheduled we do not have a competition schedule at this time, this will be provided as soon the information is available.
· If your archer has their own Genesis bow that they plan on using please have them bring it so that we can ensure that it meets NASP regulations for competition and we can evaluate them on the equipment they plan on using for the season.