Our school has the chance to win up to $500 by participating in the Pro.Active for Life 5K
School Challenge on Friday evening, April 21st. We also want to win the
Cool Kids School Challenge, sponsored by Pro.Active Therapy and Inside Out Design. If we have the highest percentage of students who sign up, we’ll win $100 plus a Monarch Way Station/Butterfly Garden will be planted at our school!
Anyone can be a member of our team, so please invite others - think book club, coaches, neighbors, co-workers, cousins, grandma and grandpa, family, and friends - to join
Good Shepherd School's Pro.Active Team! Registration forms can be found on
www.proactivetherapy.org or you can sign up online at
www.runsignup.com/race/KY/Frankfort/ProActiveforLife5K. Registration fee for children under 17 is only $10, and for adults only $20. Be sure to add our school name and show up on race night. See you at the races!